
Lyric Writing

Need lyrics for your song?

We make professional and modern
sounding lyrics that

Lyric Writing

Musicians need great lyrics, but it can be hard to write them on your own.

It’s tough enough to come up with melodies and chord progressions that sound good, let alone writing great lyrics on top of that.

Music by Mattie is here to help. We’re a lyric writing service for music professionals. We offer custom lyrics for any genre or style of music. Our team of professional lyricists are experienced in crafting songs that capture the emotion and spirit of your music. Order yours today!

What You'll Get With Lyric Writing:

And on top of all that:


If you don’t LOVE the song we will give you all of your money back!

Our Portfolio:

Your Song is Almost Ready...


Though we can work in any requested genre, we most often get requests to write lyrics for pop songs or EDM songs!

Our average turn around time for songs is 7 days! 

Yes! It’s a part of our agreement! We relinquish all rights to the song lyrics once we deliver them over to you and you can do with them what you like!

If you want to put Music by Mattie as a featured artist on the song you can, but it’s not necessary! Not credits needed on our end! If you like our product, just tell your friends!

If you aren’t 100% in love with the product delivered, we will refund all of the money you spent with us! 

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