
Delay and Reverb Time Calculator

Use this calculator to find the values of various note lengths in milliseconds according the BPM of your song. Syncing reverb times, compression, and delays with the BPM all add the grooviness and rhythm of a track. 

Delay Calculator
Note Value Delay Triplet Delay Dotted Delay
1/1 - - -
1/2 - - -
1/4 - - -
1/8 - - -
1/16 - - -
1/32 - - -
1/64 - - -
1/128 - - -
1/256 - - -
1/512 - - -
Triplet Delay     Dotted Delay

Reverb Time Calculator

Use this calculator to sync reverb times to the BPM of your song. Reverb times that flow with the BPM add groove and bounce to your tracks. This calculator provides calculations for various sizes of reverbs! Either use the provided times, or experiment with your own!

Reverb Calculator
Reverb Size Pre-Delay Decay Time Total Reverb Time
Large (2 Bars) - - -
Medium (1 Bar) - - -
Small (1/2 Note) - - -
Ambience (1/4 Note) - - -